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Privacy Notice

The protection and security of your data are of utmost importance to us.

With this privacy notice, we inform you about the nature, scope, and purposes of the collection and processing of your personal data by our company.

How does data collection work?

Who is responsible for data collection?
The data processing on this website is carried out by the operator. You can find the contact details in the legal notice (Impressum) of this website.

How do we collect your data?
Your data is collected in two ways:  
1. You provide it to us directly, such as by filling out a contact form.  
2. Other data is collected automatically by our IT systems when you visit the website. This primarily includes technical information, such as the browser you are using, your operating system, or the time you accessed the site. These technical data are gathered automatically when you visit our website, but they are not linked to personal data or processed as such.

How do we use your data?
Some of the data is collected to ensure the smooth operation of the website. Other data may be used to analyze user behavior on the site.

What rights do you have regarding your data?
You have the right to request, at any time and free of charge, information about the origin, recipient, and purpose of your stored personal data. Additionally, you can request the correction, blocking, or deletion of this data. For any further questions regarding data protection, you can contact us at any time using the details provided in the legal notice. You also have the right to file a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority.

Analytics and third-party tools 
Your browsing behavior may be statistically analyzed when you visit this website. This is mainly done through the use of analytics software. More detailed information on the analytics tools used can be found in the following privacy policy.





The protection of your personal data is very important to us. We handle your data responsibly and, of course, comply with applicable data protection laws as well as the provisions of this privacy policy.

When you use our website, we collect some personal data—information that allows us to personally identify you. In this privacy policy, we will explain in detail which data we collect and how we use it. We will also explain why we process this data and how it contributes to your protection.

Please be aware that data transmission over the internet (e.g., communication via email) can carry certain security risks. A completely flawless protection of your data against unauthorized access cannot always be guaranteed.

Notice regarding the responsible party

The responsible party for data processing on this website is::

Ferienwelt Kesselgrub GmbH  
Managing director: Johann Thurner
Lackengasse 1
5555 Altenmarkt im Pongau, Austria
Phone.: +43 6452 / 5232
E-Mail: marketing@kesselgrub.at

The responsible party is the natural or legal person who, either alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of processing personal data (such as names or email addresses).


As a data subject under the GDPR, you are generally entitled to the right of access, rectification, erasure, restriction, and data portability, each within the scope of the applicable legal provisions.

If data processing is based on Article 6(1)(e) or (f) of the GDPR, or if you have provided consent for the processing of your data, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. The lawfulness of the data processing carried out before the withdrawal remains unaffected. Upon withdrawal, we will no longer process your data for the purposes mentioned above or as outlined in your consent.

If your data is processed based on our legitimate interests, you have the right to object to the processing (in accordance with Article 21(1) of the GDPR). If you have reasons arising from your particular situation that oppose this processing, we will cease processing your data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds that override your interests, rights, and freedoms, or the processing serves the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims. If your data is being processed for direct marketing purposes, such data will no longer be processed for these purposes upon objection (objection under Article 21(2) of the GDPR).

To exercise your rights, please contact:
Ferienwelt Kesselgrub GmbH
Lackengasse 1, 5541 Altenmarkt im Pongau, Austria
+43 6452/5232 | info@kesselgrub.at

In case of GDPR violations, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, particularly in the member state of your habitual residence, place of work, or the place of the alleged infringement. This right to lodge a complaint is independent of any other administrative or judicial remedies. You can find an overview of data protection authorities and their contact details at the following link: Austria: www.data-protection-authority.gv.at

You have the right to receive the data we process automatically based on your consent or to fulfill a contract in a common, machine-readable format, or to have it transmitted to a third party. If you request the direct transfer of data to another controller, this will only take place where technically feasible.


The use of the contact details provided in the legal notice for sending unsolicited advertising or informational materials is hereby prohibited. In the event of unsolicited promotional content being sent, such as spam emails, the operators of this website expressly reserve the right to take legal action.



This site uses SSL or TLS encryption to ensure the security of data transmission. SSL and TLS encryption helps protect your data from unauthorized access during transmission. You can recognize an encrypted connection by the "https://" in the URL and the lock icon in your browser's address bar. If SSL or TLS encryption is activated, any data you transmit to us cannot be read by third parties.



Our website, as governed by this privacy policy, is not intended for individuals under the age of 16. We place great importance on protecting the data of minors, particularly in the online environment. Persons under the age of 16 are not permitted to submit personal data to us without the explicit consent of their legal guardians. Personal information may only be provided to us with the consent of a legal guardian or if the individual is 16 years or older. Any data submitted will be processed in accordance with the provisions of this privacy policy.




This privacy information applies to all processing activities that are relevant to you as a prospective customer, client, website visitor, newsletter subscriber, contractor, or supplier.

The purposes for which we process your personal data can be summarized as follows:

  • Our business operations (hotel management)
  • Contact form on the website and other inquiries (e.g., via email, phone, or fax)
  • Cookies and website tracking
  • Marketing/advertising and analysis (including information via electronic communication, such as SMS)
  • Newsletter


We process your personal data in connection with your interest in or use of our services, which may include:

  • Your basic information (e.g., last name, first name, home address, email address, phone number, date of birth, gender, country of origin, company details)
  • Data from travel documents you provide, such as passports, ID cards, or driver's licenses (e.g., document type, document number, issue date, issuing authority, expiration date, nationality, other passport details)
  • Payment information and other payment-related data (e.g., payment method, payment amount, card number, cardholder)
  • Data related to your booking or requested service (e.g., date of booked or requested arrival and departure, booked or requested rooms, language, vehicle license plate number to verify parking rights, number of persons)
  • Any other data you provide or request in connection with your booking or requested service (e.g., data about fellow travelers, destinations, contact persons, conditions, special services, personal preferences, dining, transfers, flight numbers, registration processing, insurance, vouchers, billing and verification (B2B, B2C, FIT), as well as table, fitness, and day spa reservations).

We do not engage in profiling or automated decision-making that has legal effects on you or significantly affects you.

In some cases, we may receive personal data from sources other than the individual directly. For example, this can occur if a booking is made through another person, a travel agency, or a booking platform. In such cases, we assume that the person for whom the booking is made has already been informed about the data processing within our company (due to the forwarding of information by the person making the booking), or that providing separate information would involve disproportionate effort.

We base the processing of the above-mentioned data on the following legal grounds:

  • The necessity of the respective processing to fulfill the contract or to carry out pre-contractual measures (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR)
  • Your consent, if you have provided it (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR)
  • Compliance with legal obligations (e.g., accounting, tax, customs, contracts, registration) that we are subject to (Article 6(1)(c) GDPR)
  • The pursuit of our overriding legitimate interests in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) GDPR (e.g., improving our customer service or safeguarding our own legal interests).

Data Retention Periods:

  • If there are legal retention obligations or other legal obligations to retain data, we store your data in accordance with these obligations. For example, accounting data ("books and records" as well as related receipts in accordance with Section 132 of the Austrian Federal Tax Code) or data to be recorded in the guest register (Section 10 of the Austrian Registration Act) are stored for a period of 7 years.
  • If processing is based on your consent, we store the data according to the consent provided, but for no longer than 3 years after the last contact with you.
  • Data from inquiries or potential customers (e.g., via email or our contact form) that do not result in bookings are stored for a maximum of 3 years after the last contact.
  • All other data is deleted after 3 years at the latest.

If, after these periods, further retention is necessary for the assertion, exercise, or defense of legal claims (e.g., in court proceedings), we will continue to retain the data until the final conclusion of such claims.



Through the contact form on our website, as well as via email, phone, or fax, you can send us inquiries regarding our services or general questions. Such inquiries may also be forwarded to us by third parties (e.g., via a booking platform).

The contact details you provide, along with any other information you share, will be processed by us to address your inquiry. The legal basis for this processing is either Article 6(1)(b) GDPR (contract initiation, contract fulfillment) or Article 6(1)(f) GDPR (our legitimate interest in ensuring smooth communication and documentation for general inquiries).

We store this data for a maximum of 3 years after the last contact, although the retention period may be extended if the inquiry leads to a contract (see section: "Business Operations (Hotel Management)").



When you visit our website, you will be asked whether you permit the use of cookies. Cookies are small text files used to store information in web browsers. We use cookies to ensure the functionality of our website, to make it user-friendly, and to improve IT security.

You can prevent the storage of cookies by adjusting your browser settings, or you can delete cookies later via your browser if they have already been set. However, please note that actively disabling such cookies may impair the functionality of our website, and some features (e.g., auto-filled forms, recognition of entered data after a crash, or the ability to load images or videos) may no longer work.

Technically necessary or functional cookies must be used to make our website usable for you. The legal basis for setting these essential cookies is our legitimate interest in ensuring the operability of our website and IT security, in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

Non-essential cookies are only used if you have given us your prior consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR). These include cookies that recognize you on your next visit to our website and store data on your device. The information recognized and stored by cookies also helps us analyze your usage behavior. This analysis helps us improve our website and understand which areas are most visited and receive the most attention, allowing us to optimize our content and provide more relevant information to our target audiences.



We engage in marketing activities to inform you and the public about our services.

As part of our marketing efforts, your personal data may be processed (e.g., name, postal or email address, date of birth, details of your last booking or inquiry).

We base the processing of this data on the following legal grounds:

  • The pursuit of our overriding legitimate interests in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) GDPR (e.g., for postal mailings or electronic marketing to existing customers)
  • Your explicit consent under Article 6(1)(a) GDPR, where such consent has been provided (e.g., for direct marketing via email, messenger, etc.).

If processing is based on our legitimate interests, those interests lie in presenting our services and offers to you, thereby increasing our revenue (marketing). This applies to postal marketing and marketing directed at existing customers.

For electronic marketing, we distinguish between marketing to existing customers and other direct advertising.

In the case of electronic marketing to existing customers, your data is processed exclusively in accordance with relevant legal provisions. The processing is based on our legitimate interest ("marketing"), but only if you have provided your contact details during a purchase or when using our services, and we use this information to promote our own similar products or services. When collecting contact details, we inform you of this type of data processing and provide the option to opt-out both during data collection and in every communication.

For other types of electronic direct advertising, we will obtain your prior consent, which you can revoke at any time.

You have the right to object to processing based on legitimate interest or to withdraw any given consent at any time (see the "Data Subject Rights" section). In such cases, we will cease all further marketing communications. Revocation of consent or objection based on legitimate interests will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out prior to the withdrawal or objection. The processing (further storage) of customer data for purposes such as fulfilling accounting requirements remains unaffected.

We retain marketing data processed based on your consent until the consent is revoked. Otherwise, all marketing data is deleted no later than 3 years after the last contact.



You have the option to subscribe to our newsletter. To sign up, you must provide us with your email address.

To tailor the content of our newsletter to your specific interests, you may also choose to provide additional information regarding particular interests or other requested categories when you sign up. If provided, this data will also be processed by us to offer more targeted information. When we send you a newsletter, our system can track your response (e.g., opening, deleting, clicks) and the technical devices you use (including your IP address). This information helps us improve our service technically and measure the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns, such as sending specific information to certain recipient groups.

The electronic subscription to the newsletter will only be activated once you confirm your subscription via a link sent to you by email. This serves to verify that you initiated the subscription. The processing of data related to our newsletter is based solely on your consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR).

You may withdraw your consent at any time (see the "Data Subject Rights" section). Every newsletter you receive from us includes all the necessary information for easy unsubscription. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of data processing conducted prior to the withdrawal or cancellation of the subscription.

Data related to the newsletter is stored until you withdraw your consent or, at the latest, deleted 3 years after the last contact.


Integration of Third-Party Services and Content, as well as Data Transfer to Third Countries

The following services and third-party content are integrated into our website, and data may be transmitted to third countries as a result:

  • Google Analytics, Google IP Locator, Google Maps, Google Maps Distance API, Google reCAPTCHA
    Owner: Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
  • YouTube Content
    Owner: Google Inc., Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
  • Social Network Facebook
    Owner: Facebook Inc., Menlo Park, California, USA
  • Social Network Instagram
    Owner: Facebook Inc., Menlo Park, California, USA
  • Social Network Twitter
    Owner: Twitter International Company, One Cumberland Place, Fenian Street, Dublin 2 D02 AX07, Ireland
  • Vimeo
    Owner: Vimeo Inc., 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA
  • Hotjar
    Owner: Hotjar Ltd, Level 2, St Julian’s Business Centre, 3, Elia Zammit Street, St Julian’s STJ 1000, Malta

Additional external content may be loaded via widgets and iFrames. For a detailed list of third-party services, please send an email to the provided contact address.


Links to Third-Party Websites

Please note that the website www.kesselgrub.at/en contains links to other websites that are not managed in accordance with this privacy policy.

Ferienwelt Kesselgrub GmbH does not guarantee the accuracy or error-free nature of translations of the content on this website, particularly in the "Privacy Policy" section. In case of any discrepancies, only the German version of this page is legally binding.
